
IMDb - for Tony's acting and television CV

Twitter - for official Slattery updates 

Wikipedia - for deeply unreliable information about Tony

Interview - Guardian interview with Tony Slattery

What's The Matter With Tony Slattery? - Documentary about Tony and mental health

My Time Capsule - Tony's appearance on Mike Fenton-Stevens's lovely podcast about nostalgia and memory

The Friendship File - Tony Slattery and Helen Lederer discuss their long professional and personal friendship (Not That I'm Bitter, Helen's new memoir, now available here)

IMDb - James Payton's acting CV

Twitter (again) - Actor and improviser James Payton's Twitter

Andromeda Talent - James Payton's representation

Who Is James Payton? - James's documentary page on Apple TV

YouTube - Comedian and Resuscitated host Alex Leam's YouTube comedy channel

The First Man to Time Travel - Alex Leam's first novel available here in book form or here as an audiobook

Twitter (again again) - Alex Leam's Twitter

Twitter (sigh) - Interview host Erica Lear's Twitter

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